Product Review: Sea Salt and Vinegar Microwave Popcorn

I adore popcorn.  It’s been a staple snack food  in my life since I was a kid.  As long as your popcorn is not popped in nasty oil, loaded with butter and/or salt, it is a pretty healthy snack.  It’s low in calories and full of fiber.  There have been some great studies lately about the health benefit of popcorn.  Google it.

I recently came across individual packets of Orville Redenbacher’s Sea Salt and Vinegar Popcorn.  Being from the East Coast, I’m a big fan of vinegar and salt on my fries, so I thought I’d give it a whirl.

How does it work?  You pop the popcorn like you would any bag of popcorn and then mix in the salt/vinegar powder and serve.  I mixed in a bowl, but I am sure you could pour the contents of the flavor packet into the popcorn bag and shake.  It is pretty darn good and low in calories – definitely better than butter.  The one drawback, in my opinion, is that the flavoring comes in a powder from.  When eating the powder, it can kind of tickle your throat.  You’d need to try it yourself to see what I mean.

Otherwise – great snack!

Top Photo cred:

About zinnrunner

I am a lawyer, long distance runner and a yogi. I created this blog to chronicle my marathon training. I never made it past 2 entries. I think a lot about writing when it comes to training. I am not sure why those thoughts never get to this blog. But, I do spend a lot of time writing about and photographing food. So, I will use this blog to share food and maybe, just maybe, my training gets a little airtime too!

Posted on April 27, 2012, in Product Review, Snacks and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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